Guild Mark
The Manufacturing Guild Mark has been the mark of excellence, distinguishing Britain’s top furnishing manufacturers, since 1993.
The Prestigious
Guild Mark
The Manufacturing Guild Mark is awarded to British manufacturers that have demonstrated incredible standards across all areas of the business by successfully passing a rigorous, independently reviewed audit.
It provides assurance to retailers, specifiers, distributors and customers that the furnishings they purchase are made with care and that the company they are dealing with has achieved exemplary standards throughout its operations.
By meeting the Manufacturing Guild Mark standards, you can be confident that you’re among the best manufacturers in the country.
Make a statement about how your business operates. Be an exemplar to the industry. Be a Manufacturing Guild Mark holder.

Entry Criteria
The Manufacturing Guild Mark is open to companies in the following categories:
Manufacturers of furniture, beds and furnishings for the domestic and non-domestic market – contract, leisure, hospitality, education etc.
Domestic and contract design and marketing companies with production sub-contractors, principally in the UK
A company of any size, incorporated and predominantly manufacturing its products in the United Kingdom can achieve the Manufacturing Guild Mark, but they must be able to demonstrate excellence across seven key areas: design, product development and function, manufacture, human resources, financial stability, sustainability and sales and marketing.
How it is audited
All applicants will be assessed for their suitability to receive a Manufacturing Guild Mark through an independent third-party audit carried out by the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA).
All initial applications are for a minimum of three years. Thereafter, they are renewable triennially and subject to the successful completion of subsequent re-audits every three years. There will be an inspection fee of approximately £550 plus expenses, which will be invoiced to you direct by FIRA.
Holder benefits
Use of the Manufacturing Guild Mark logo
The licence to use the Manufacturing Guild Mark logo on any publicity material, marketing collateral and product labelling.
Certificate of authentication
Successful companies will receive recognition for excellence with an official signed certificate of authentication that is renewed annually.
PR and promotion
The business will be listed on the Company’s online Guild Mark Directory as well as receive promotion through the Company’s PR and social media channels.
Invaluable feedback
Verbal feedback that includes recommendations for continuous improvement and a detailed report, following assessment, that gives guidance on any weaknesses in the company’s supply chain and how to improve.
Opportunity to celebrate success
The Manufacturing Guild Mark provides an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the hard work and achievements of staff.
Preferential hall hire rates
Holders receive preferential hire rates for Furniture Makers’ Hall in the City of London for activities such as product launches, meetings and entertainment.